Full service buffett set up package:
Includes up to three (3) cloths (choice of color) for standard 6’ buffet tables and standard floor length table skirting (choice of color) Events of 50-60 guests -$140.00 Events of 75-100 guests –four (4) cloths and table skirting -$190.00 Events of 125-150 guests -six (6) cloths and table skirting -$275.00 Events of 175-200 guests -eight (8) cloths and table skirting (with two buffet stations) -$395.00 Events exceeding 200 guests please consult with our office – (901)398-4867 (additional charges for buffet tables-if needed) Complimentary buffet display for full service events (using Fluff Cloths and Risers, Silver Chafing Dishes, Candles and Greenery)
Additional Services Offered
Delivery Only:* $65.00-$75.00 Without service staff (based on event location) Delivery and Set Up:* $125.00-$150.00 Without service staff (based on event location) Pick-Up at Caterer’s Location *No Charge *Disposable Trays/Pans less than 40 guests – $35.00 (One time fee for delivery only, delivery and set up or 41-69 guests – $30.00 pick up orders) 70+ guests – $25.00 Portable Chafing Sets $16.00 each Optional (includes wire chafing rack, sterno fuel and aluminum water pan)– for delivery only, delivery and set up or pick up orders Disposable Plates: (laminated black foam) $29.00/100 pcs $18.00/50 pcs $12.00/25 pcs Disposable Beverage Cups: (clear plastic) $16.00/100 pcs $12.00/50 pcs $9.00/25 pcs Disposable Utensils $31.00/100 sets (clear or black plastic fork, knife, spoon) $19.00/50sets $15.00/25 sets Standard White Dinner Napkins $25.00/100 pcs. $15.00/50 pcs. $10.00/25 pcs. Cocktail Napkins $16.00/100 pcs $12.00/50 pcs. $ 9.00/25 pcs. *Upgraded disposable items are also available as well as disposable wine glasses and champagne flutes. Please contact our office for pricing information. Thank you. Please contact our office at (901)398-4867 for China, Glassware, Silverware, Linen, Table and Chair rental availability and pricing.
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Corporate Event Food Trends in 2018
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253 East Fairway
Memphis, TN 38109
901.398.4867 O
901.644.5166 M
Mon -Fri : 9pm and 5pm
(contact us for private events)